All bedding that is unopened in its original packaging may be returned for a refund, less shipping, within 30 days of your receipt of the item.
If you need to return or exchange your item, please email or call us 978-440-8200 to let us know that will be shipping it back to us so we can be on the lookout for it. For your protection, to ensure you receive your credit, we recommend shipping it back to us with tracking. Once we receive your package, we will process an exchange or issue a refund within 2 business days. We'd also love to get your feedback on why the item ultimately wasn't a good fit for you.
Unfortunately, some things in life are simply non-returnable. All mattresses, divan foundations and headboards are not returnable. We know how comfortable Vispring mattresses are, so we offer them with absolute confidence. However, comfort is extremely subjective, so we encourage you to spend as much time at the store as needed. We're always happy to have you visit us multiple times to be sure you've found the perfect mattress.